Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Keep in Shape

Play chess. Go on-line. Try kid

Solve chess puzzless. 

Practice checkmate with a king and queen vs king.

Practice checkmate with a king and rook vs king.

Play in a tournament - click on School Chess Association to the right to see when the next tournament is.

Next Session will start on March 9. (Mar 9, thru May 11 - no class Mar 30)

Final standings



Monday, December 6, 2021

Here's a position in game 6 of the world championship. In the longest game ever in a world championship, Magnus Carlson played move 133. e6! Why can't his opponent just take the rook?

4k3/7q/8/4PR1N/5P1K/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

ANSWER: Because after 133. Qxf5 134. Ng7+ Ke7 Nxf5

After 8 games the defending world champion Magnus Carlson of Norway leads challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi of Russia by a score of 5 to 3 with 6 games to go.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

 Tournament Results

Three students from Heritage attended a School Chess Association tournament in Plymouth on Saturday.

The result were pretty much as expected. No one gained or lost more than 20 points, so the ratings you had were pretty accurate predictors of how you would do. Teamwise we came in last of 6 teams, but no school ran away with it (a perfect score would be 10). We have our work cut out for us. But May is still a ways away, so we have time to improve. I think the tournaments before January are more difficult because most of the players are experienced players whereas in January there will be more newer players and we'll have a better chance at getting more wins.

6th Grade Team Results

Plymouth Middle School . . 8
Nicolette Middle School. . 7.5
Little Canada Elementary . 5.5
Highlands Elem. Edina. . . 4
Providence Academy . . . . 2
Heritage STEM. . . . . . . 1

Gr Name W L D Old Chg New

 5 Evan 1 3 0 204  -1 203

 6 Ben  1 3 0 273  +6 279

 6 Owen 0 4 0 196 -17 179


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Chess Tournament this Saturday

Who can come? Anyone who wants to have fun playing chess.

When is it? Saturday Dec, 4 register at the door before 8:00 a.m. If you are late you may miss round 1

Where is it? Plymouth Middle School - about 32 minutes from Heritage

Who would I play? Other students from around the Twin Cities in your same grade

If I lose my first game, am I done? No, you'll play four or five games. Each can take up to an hour..

How good are they? Some are super good and have been playing for years. Others are new to chess this year just like you. Each round you'll play someone with the same record as you.

How do I know what to do? There's a meeting in the gym before it starts where they'll explain it all. And I'll be there to help you.

Are there awards? Yes, there are individual and team trophies. There are also merit points which they'll explain. If we have 2 or more students in the same grade, they total the top 3 to determine the winner.

How much does it cost? It's $24 or $26 if this is your first tournament.

How long does it last? Until about 1:30 or 2:00

Will this affect my rating? Yes. You'll probably go up unless you lose every game.

What do I do for lunch? They sell pizza, chips, fruit, pop etc. there, or you can bring your own lunch.

What do I need to bring? A mask and a chess set (optional - Mr. Heinemann will bring several sets.)

There are several people from Heritage already planning on going!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

I was hoping to make up for the class we missed but we will not be able to meet on Dec 15 because the cafeteria is in use. 


Here's a problem from game 4 played Nov 30, 2021 in the world chess championship between the reigning champion Magnus Carlson of Norway against his challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi of Russia.  It is Carlson's turn as White. Should he take the pawn on d5 with his queen? Why or why not?

rn3rk1/p2q1ppp/1p1b4/1Q1p4/3P4/2P2N2/P4PPP/R1B1R1K1 w - - 0 1

Answer: No! Carlson would lose his queen after Bxh2+! Kxh2 Qxd5


Don't forget to do the challenges (for example King and Queen checkmate) each is worth 10-15 points.

RR, KQBen273
RR Warren205
RR, KQJ.R.191
RR Luke184
RR, KQElliot180
RR Justin135