Saturday March 11 at the Burnsville Diamondhead Educational Center
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Saturday March 25 at Plymouth Middle School - Grade Level
Saturday April 8 at the Burnsville Diamondhead Educational Center - Middle School Championship
Sat-Sun Robbinsdale Middle School - Elementary K-5 Team Championship
Problem #8 on the worksheet
Answer: Force the black king to a dangerous square
1.Qxh7+ Kxh7
2.exf8(N)+ Kg6
Amazing! We were down a rook so what did we do? First we sacked our queen. Then we under promoted to a knight. with that extra knight we should be able to queen that h-pawn if we are very careful: get your king to g6\\, pawn to h6, and knight to f7. Try it out on your own board!
Cavan | 444 |
Quillan | 335 |
Owen | 329 |
Simon | 327 |
Warren | 321 |
Thomas | 269 |
Lucia | 237 |
Grant | 227 |
Luke | 209 |
Jack | 150 |
Kellen | 127 |
Alan | 124 |
James | 103 |
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