Name 1 2 3 4 5 Chg Rating Merit
Thomas L L D L W +12 236 2.5
WHAT: Play 4 or 5 games of chess against students from other schools, hang out with friends, eat pizza, have fun, compete as a team
WHEN Sat Dec 3 8:00 a.m. to about 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Diamondhead Education Center in Burnsville - approach the building from Burnsville Parkway
WHO: Anyone can sign up, but I don't recommend it if your rating is not over 200. I would really like to see the following 5th graders give it a try: Cavan, Simon, Logan, Lucia, Thomas. Our goal will be to get some experience and improve so that by May we have a chance to do well at the State Championship.
Thomas is signed up.
WHY: Have fun, improve at chess, get extra coaching (I will be there to coach you, but I cannot be in the playing area when you are competing.)
HOW DO I SIGN UP: Go to and sign up.
HOW much does it cost? It's about $24 plus about $5 or $6 for lunch
DO WE HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN? If you think hard and have fun thinking, you have met my expectations. Round 1 will be difficult - you will be playing someone who is expected to win 3 games. For the rest of the day you will be paired against someone with a similar record.
Bring a chess set. Wear a mask (because of the extended time in close contact)
1. If you ever have a question or a concern during the tournament, raise your hand. An experienced high schooler or adult will answer your question.
2. You have a whole hour to complete your game. Use the time well. When it's your opponent's turn, you should be thinking.
3. If your game hasn't finished after 30 minutes, you will be given a chess clock with instruction how to use it. This will insure that the game is done on time. If a player runs out of time he loses.
4 Sit on your hands! By the time you pull your hand up to move, that move might not look so good. Never think with your hand dangling over the board - you might touch a piece and have to move it. Also, your hand will block a clear view of the board.
5. Be a good sport - win or lose, congratulate your opponent on a good game.
6. Why are some kids writing in a booklet? They're writing down their move so they can replay their game with their coach. I highly recommend this - especially in round 1. I'll bring pencils and paper.
7. When planning your move always figure out what your opponent is up to. Why did he make that last move? Where is it going next? Did he open a new path for some other piece with that last move?
Cavan | 367 |
Warren | 335 |
Simon | 262 |
Logan | 242 |
Lucia | 241 |
Thomas | 224 |
Alex | 144 |
Sean | 139 |
Jack | 124 |
Zion | 115 |
We went over the fun sheet on discovered attacks and double checks,
Today we looked at how to find checkmates. Examine the board carefully to se where the opponents king can move. Then see if you can check the king while also guarding any escape squares.
Next tournament is at Plymouth Middle School. Section are K-2, 3rd-5th, 6th - 8th
Then Dec 3 at Nicollet (a little closer to home) for a grade level tournament.
See if you can find the one move which is NOT checkmate.
Warren | 371 |
Cavan | 326 |
Simon | 244 |
Logan | 229 |
Thomas | 224 |
Lucia | 206 |
Sean | 147 |
Alex | 144 |
Jack | 124 |
Zion | 123 |
ANSWER to problem: Rc6 allows Black to play Rxh7
6 | 1.5 | Warren | 341 |
5 | Cavan | 326 | |
5 | Thomas | 230 | |
5 | Simon | 229 | |
5 | Logan | 197 | |
6 | Lucia | 186 | |
5 | Alex | 144 | |
5 | Zion | 132 | |
5 | Sean | 126 | |
6 | Jack | 103 |
Correction from last week: it was Warren who got the highest score on the worksheet. Today we reviewed pins by going over the worksheet. This week Simon got the top score! We learned a new tactic call the battery where we batter down the opponents protective walls.
Next week we'll learn about the blind pig checkmate and we'll learn about discovered attacks.
TOURNAMENT opportunity coming up on Saturday Nov 5 at Highview Middle School in New Brighton. Play 5 games against other students in your grade. The competition will be fierce. There are a lot of very good chess players in Minnesota. Each round you will be paired with someone who has approx. the same record as you. So it will get easier as the day goes on. In your first tournament, your goal should be to try to win one game. Then each tournament try to improve. Three players in one grade make a team and there are team awards in addition to the individual awards. See to register or to get more information. Call me if you want to discuss this.
I think it would be fun if we had our top 3 fifth graders there.
Gr | Merit | Name | 26-Oct |
6 | 1.5 | Warren | 326 |
5 | Cavan | 303 | |
5 | Simon | 220 | |
5 | Thomas | 207 | |
5 | Logan | 170 | |
6 | Lucia | 165 | |
5 | Alex | 148 | |
5 | Zion | 144 | |
5 | Sean | 128 | |
6 | Jack | 110 |
LESSONS Today we went over hurdles and skewer. Congratulations to Jack who got the highest score in the class with 4 correct answers out of 8 problems. We learned a new tactic - the pin - and worked out some problems involving pins.
A little review of chess symbols
+ check
! good move
? not so good
x captures
B bishop (remember pieces are indicated by CAPITAL letters)
b the pawn on the b-file
PUZZLE 1 This position is reached in the "garbage gambit" after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nd4 4.Nxe5? (correct is Nxd4) Qg5 5.Nxf7 Qxg2 6.Rf1 Qxd4+ 7. Be2
It's Black's turn. What's his best move? (Hint a pin is in the solution)
PUZZLE 2. It's White's turn below. What are the next two moves for White that will lead to a win?
Answers below.
Name | 19-Oct |
Warren | 340 |
Cavan | 278 |
Thomas | 212 |
Simon | 186 |
Logan | 161 |
Lucia | 156 |
Zion | 144 |
Alex | 141 |
Sean | 123 |
Jack | 103 |
Today we went over the answers to the fork worksheet.
We learned another tactic called the hurdle, and the similar skewer. I hope you remembered the poem: "Two big pieces on a line? Look Out, it's hurdle time!"
Next week we'll go over the problems we solved today. Congratulations to Logan and Thomas who solved 5 of the 8 problems. Here's a problem from today: What's White's winning move?
Tournament on Saturday if you're interested. See to register and to get more information, or call me to discuss what to expect.
Name | 12-Oct |
Warren | 349 |
Owen | 269 |
Cavan | 247 |
Thomas | 185 |
Logan | 166 |
Lucia | 161 |
Simon | 159 |
Zion | 133 |
Alex | 130 |
Jack | 105 |
Sean | 100 |
Zahra | 100 |
Today we reviewed the checkmate/stalemate worksheet.
We also spent a lot of time on the knight and forks and other types of forks. We did a fork worksheet.
Practice Problems
Here are some problems from the Junior High League in which we participated in 2020.
PROBLEM 1 Black just moved Kb5 attacking our pawn. White's turn. What's the best move?
PROBLEM 2 Black has just played Nd4, Now it's White's turn. What's a good move?
Problem 1. Nd4+ winning the rook
Problem 2. Notice that your queen is attacked. Also note that Nxd4 results in Bxe2. So you must move your queen. In the actual game, White played Qe3 and lost his queen - do you see how? (Qe3 lost the Queen when Black played Nxc2+ forking the King and Queen.) Qd2 isn't any better - after 1. Qd2 Bxf3 2. gxf3 Nxf3+ once again forking the K and Q. This is a beautiful illustration of the problem of putting the Queen on the same color square that the King is on when a knight lurking nearby. The correct move is to move the queen to a light square - Qd1! (Qc1 loses a Rook after Nxe2+)
There will be a chess tournament held on Saturday Sept 15 at Zachary Lane Elementary in Plymouth. All players will play all 5 (4?) rounds. Divisions are K-2, 3-5, 6-8. ssFor details and registration see Questions - call me.
If this is you first tournament, make it a goal to try to win 1 game
Name | 5-Oct |
Warren | 349 |
Elliot P | 273 |
Owen | 269 |
Cavan | 221 |
Thomas | 188 |
Zion | 139 |
Logan | 136 |
Lucia | 134 |
Simon | 133 |
Alex | 130 |
Jack | 110 |
Sean | 106 |
Zahra | 100 |
Today we reviewed how to checkmate with just a king and queen vs a king.
We learned how to checkmate with just a king and rook vs a king.
We learned that K and N vs K or K and B vs K is a draw.
We learned that a King and 2 bishops can force a checkmate.
We learned that K, N, and B can win against a King is possible, but very difficult.
We reviewed checkmate and stalemate and worked out 18 problems on a worksheet which we'll go over next week.
Keep in mind that the goal is for you to learn and be a better chess player at the end if this course that you were at the beginning,
Warren | 330 |
Elliot P | 273 |
Owen | 269 |
Cavan | 190 |
Thomas | 153 |
Logan | 136 |
Alex | 127 |
Simon | 126 |
Lucia | 124 |
Zion | 119 |
Sean | 106 |
Jack | 100 |
Zahra | 100 |
THIS WEEK: First meeting of chess club went well. We learned how all the pieces move and the value of each piece.
We learned a general strategy for finding good moves: the more choices your piece has, the more powerful it is. So move your pieces to where they have more choices.
We learned how to set up the board and how the squares are named. We also tried checkmating with just a queen and king and trying to avoid stalemate
NEXT WEEK we'll take a closer look at checkmate and stalemate. We'll also learn about castling.
Name | 14-Sep |
Warren | 302 |
Elliot P | 273 |
Owen | 269 |
Nikolai | 118 |
Alex | 105 |
Simon | 105 |
Cavan | 105 |
Jack | 105 |
Logan | 105 |
Lucia | 105 |
Sean | 105 |
Thomas | 105 |
Zion | 105 |
Neo | 100 |
Zahra | 100 |
Chess club will be 10 sessions beginning Sept 14 2022 thru Nov 16
We meet every Wednesday after school until 5:00 in Room 161
There will also be a spring session of 10 weeks Feb 16 - Apr 30.
You will have to enroll and pay through community ed.
I will teach lessons for both beginners and more advanced players.
There will be opportunities to compete in tournaments throughout the year
I would encourage players to participate in both session for several years as chess gets more fun the better you get.
Call Bill Heinemann 651-451-8412 if you have any questions.
The Instructor has taught chess for 30 years in the district as well as at Farnsworth, Capitol Hill, Salem Hills, Moreland, Friendly Hills, Somerset, and Mendota. His teams have won State Championships and National Championships. He has been named Minnesota Coach of the Year 3 times including 2022. He is also in the computer game hall of fame as creator of the popular Oregon Trail game.
Leo | 403 |
Ben | 358 |
Saakar | 298 |
Warren | 297 |
Owen | 269 |
Elliot P | 245 |
Elliot D | 225 |
Henry | 137 |
Nikolai | 136 |
Victor | 132 |
Evan | 116 |
Molly | 100 |
We went over the pins worksheet
We started our year-end tournament. We learned how to use a chess clock and played two games with a clock. Awards next week. Top 3 plus top in each grade except 8th.
Name |
11-May |
Leo |
377 |
Ben |
358 |
Warren |
300 |
Owen |
298 |
Saakar |
266 |
Elliot D |
257 |
Elliot P |
217 |
Henry |
155 |
Victor |
132 |
Evan |
126 |
Molly |
113 |
Nikolai |
102 |