LESSONS Today we went over hurdles and skewer. Congratulations to Jack who got the highest score in the class with 4 correct answers out of 8 problems. We learned a new tactic - the pin - and worked out some problems involving pins.
A little review of chess symbols
+ check
! good move
? not so good
x captures
B bishop (remember pieces are indicated by CAPITAL letters)
b the pawn on the b-file
PUZZLE 1 This position is reached in the "garbage gambit" after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nd4 4.Nxe5? (correct is Nxd4) Qg5 5.Nxf7 Qxg2 6.Rf1 Qxd4+ 7. Be2
It's Black's turn. What's his best move? (Hint a pin is in the solution)
PUZZLE 2. It's White's turn below. What are the next two moves for White that will lead to a win?
Answers below.
Name | 19-Oct |
Warren | 340 |
Cavan | 278 |
Thomas | 212 |
Simon | 186 |
Logan | 161 |
Lucia | 156 |
Zion | 144 |
Alex | 141 |
Sean | 123 |
Jack | 103 |
Puzzle 1: 1. Nf3# (the bishop is pinned!)
Puzzle 2: 1. Re1 (pin!) f6 (defending the pinned bishop) 2. f4!
Remember "After you pin a piece, attack it!" Preferably with a smaller piece - like a pawn. Now we will win the bishop, the pawn, and the game!
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