1) chess notation so we can read chessbooks and websites and we can record our own games for analysis later.
2) all the rules about castling.
3) the difference between checkmate and stalemate.
1. e4 Nc6
2. g3 Ne5
3. Ne2 Nf3# (0-1)
Get out your chess set and play this game out! Why is it over after move 12?
1. d4 d6
2. Qd2 e5
3. a4. e4
4. Qf4 f5
5. h3 Be7
6. Qh2 Be6
7. Ra3 c5
8. Rg3 Qa5+ (Can you figure out what the plus sign means?)
9. Nd2 Bh4
10. f3 Bb3
11. d5 e3
12. c4 f4 (1/2-1/2) this means a draw - each player gets half a point.
Name 21-Sep
Warren 316
Elliot 273
Owen 269
Thomas 126
Cavan 125
Nikolai 118
Zion 117
Alex 110
Simon 110
Lucia 110
Sean 101
Jack 100
Logan 100
Neo 100
Zahra 100
Hilarious Game Answers
Answer to question 1: A plus sign after a move means "check". Your opponent's King is in check and must either capture the checking piece, block the check, or move the king out of check.
Answer to question 2: The game has ended in a stalemate! Although White still has all 16 pieces, none of them can make a legal move. It may look like one of the knights can move, but it would put his king in check.
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