Thursday, February 22, 2024

Chess Club Spring of 2024


Advanced group brushed up on forks

Beginner group learned:

1) how all the pieces move and the value of each piece

2) how to name each square and a few new words like "orthogonal", "file" and "rank"

3) we also briefly discussed checkmate and stalemate which we'll study next week.


There is a tournament this Saturday, March 2, at the Diamondhead Educational Center in Burnsville. There are sections for K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.

March 23 is the State grade level Championship at the Diamondhead Educational Center in Burnsville. This is our best shot at a team trophy. We have five good 6th graders but we'll have to practice really hard the next 4 weeks.


I have a rating system which I use for the following reasons:

1) It encourages every child to play hard every game

2) Students can see their progress

3) They'll know which students they should play against for an evenly matched game. 

4) I'll know when they are ready for interscholastic tournaments on Saturdays.

5) When playing matches against other school I need to be able to rank them.

Students start out with a rating of 100. They earn 5 points for attendance, 2 points for every worksheet problem solved correctly, 10 points for drills performed accurately, and anywhere from 1 to 31 points gained or lost in a game depending on the two players ratings. A win is 16 points +- 1 point for every 25 points difference in ratings. A loss is -16 +- 1 to 15 points for every 25 points difference in ratings. For example, if a 200 beats a 400 its 16+(400-200)/25 or 24 points for the winner which he takes from the loser. If a 400 beats a 200 its 16-8 or 8 points for the winner while the loser loses 8 points.

Alex R.427
Alex O.105

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