Discovered attacks. Don't just wait for an opportunity - create the opportunity by putting knight in front of a bishop, or a rook behind a bishop.
I also forgot to mention a tactic called the double-check.This can happen when you have a discovered attack on the king while the piece that moved is also checking the king. The only way to get out of a double check is to move the king.
White to move and checkmate in 2 moves.
This opening for White leads to a wild game which either ends quickly with a win for white, or if Black can can defend accurately, the two pawn advantage may allow Black to win the endgame.
1. e4 e5
2. d4 exd4
3. c3 dxc3
4. Bb4 cabs
5. Bxc2
Note how White is ready to attack with two bishops and a queen that can attack frim three different directions. White controls the center and is only one move away from being ready to castle.
Black on the other hand still has all his pieces on the original squares - but he is two pawns up. Was it worth it?
Name | 25-Oct |
Cavan | 813 |
Simon | 616 |
Thomas | 557 |
Q | 541 |
Alex | 287 |
Jack | 232 |
Soren | 175 |
Santi | 170 |
Audrey | 163 |
Hunter | 144 |
Eldrych | 132 |
William | 132 |
Harrison | 125 |